Treatment of Latin Americans of Japanese Descent, European Americans, and Jewish Refugees During WWII – mars-2:hrs02JUD2237_090319 – Rayburn 2237 – Committee on the Judiciary – 2009-03-19 – Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law. Witness List: Panel I: Daniel Masterson, Professor of Latin American History, U.S. Naval Academy; Grace Shimizu, Director, Japanese Peruvian Oral History Project (JPOHP); Libia Yamamoto, Former Japanese of Latin American Descent Internee. Panel II: John Christgau, Author of “Enemies: World War II Alien Internment”; Karen Ebel, President, German Anmerican Internee Coalition; Heidi Gurcke Donald, Board and Founding Member, German American Internee Coalition; John Fonte, Director, Center for American Common Culture and Senior Fellow, Hudson Instutute. Panel III: Valery Bazarov, Director of Location and Family History Service, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS); David A. Harris, Executive Director, American Jewish Committee (AJC); Leo Bretholz, Author of “Leap Into Darkness”; Michael Horowitz, Senior Fellow, Hudson Instutute. Video provided by U.S. House of Representatives.